

aún no comprendo el por que de la inconciencia humana, el miedo a dejar la rutina que se ha convertido en vicio abrir la mente para dar ese paso hacía un camino menos abrupto del que se ha caminado, el por que la inferioridad del alma se vuelve una maldición que causa ceguera a quien la posee sin que pueda encontrar la salida del laberinto que ha construido, sin embargo si tan solo escuchara el sonido de su interior sabría que la llave esta dentro de su ser, si sintiera las maravillas que ha ocultado dentro de si mismo, podria resplandecer y ese tunel amargo y oscuro desaparecería y encontraría que el bosque esta lleno caminos esperando a ser descubiertos....

Ending line

In such place of quiet when the time stops, i found a new end line, when the oblivion become wish and when forget became regrets, memories go away in the dark, the lost memory begin to remember the buried feelings, a new end a new begining but what about dreams who stayed in coma, the  ashes of my bones are ready to fire the light that guides my soul, my heart stayed in silence ready to  listen to the wind that pass trough my mind and be safe in the steep cliffs, waiting for the moment to jump and bury the old skin of gold to become human again....


Sitting here at the candlelight listening the echo of the light that whispers me the fire inside of my mind, a flame that keeps burning my memories and turn into ashes, ashes with the name of oblivions, that quietly fly with the wind of time...but sometimes this ashes cloud my sight and remind me that the embers of the memories are never extinguished...


Silence, i'm holding my breath because today i don´t want to exist for the world, my lungs are tired of this mindless air... so please do not disturb i just want to feel the peace inside of me and dont let it go...here in the ghost region, all alone upon the shore and confess my sins into the wind...what a beautiful day to forgive and forget myself.
So here i stand at the border of the cliff,  feeling the wind of my desires looking for the dawn of my dreams..